Today we highlight one of wonderful stationery markers Tara Vaughn of Print Smitten: A Stationery Company based out of Southern Pennsylvania.

Why did you decide to start your own business?
We had a need to fill and that was childcare. Although starting my own creative business has always been a dream of mine; once we had our daughter who is now 6, I knew it was time to buckle down and make it happen.
Where does your inspiration come from?
I love looking at fashion. Girls with good fashion sense really inspire me. Also those lovely homes that are featured on magazines always make me swoon. I love to rip out pages to remember certain color pallets or shapes that I like.
How does your personal style influence your business?
I’m that jeans and tee girl who lives in Vans most days of the week. But my designs are fun and colorful. I think I like to live vicariously through them. I actually am a fan of many different styles. I can be a girly girl one day and then rock the black on black the next. I really cannot say I have a specific style of anything that I’m drawn to and that translates in my work as well. You will find cheeky cards along with elegantly done wedding thank you’s.

What has been your biggest Accomplishment so far?
Definitely getting to wholesale with some big retailers such as Urban Outfitters and Forever21. But what gave me my push was a feature on the ever popular blog Buzzfeed!
What are your toughest challenges as a small business?
Wearing all the hats. I’m the designer, marketing expert, social media handler, shipper, customer service rep, accountant etc. I mean, it’s a lot to handle when you have two small children too. But honestly, who can complain?

What words of advice would you give to new businesses?
Just start it! If you would see what I starting selling 5 years ago to what my shop is today you wouldn’t even recognize it. It’s been amazing to look back and see the growth but I started somewhere and even if you don’t have everything perfectly planned out, just start. You’ll make mistakes and learn along the way.
What are your plans for the future?
Expanding my line into more stationery gift items such as notebooks, writing utensils. Focusing more on Wedding items as well.