Ready Player One by Ernest Clive is a dystopian future sci-fi novel that is based upon the Video Game culture of the 1970’s and 1980’s. The novel follows protagonist Wade Owen Watts in the year 2044 where the economy has been devastated. Gaming culture has evolved to a huge online gaming community called OASIS. The owner of OASIS dies suddenly with no heirs to his fortune and leaves a video will and book to members of OASIS to find the “hidden easter egg” within the game. The one who finds the “egg” would inherit the OASIS fortune.
Ready Player One was a very entertaining page-turning read. A ridiculously fun story, once you get towards the finale you won’t want it to end. A must read for anyone infatuated with the 70’s and 80’s
The book grabs your attention from page one, and it’s a page turner as you want to get to the end to find out what happens. A fun story about video games and 80’s and 90’s pop culture. Can’t wait for the move to come out!