We’re big comic fans here a Village Copier, and with the passing of the New York Comic Con it only makes sense that we list some our favorite comics for you all to read!

by Alan Moore
Power-house comic writer, Alan Moore creates gold with V for Vendetta. Perhaps Watchmen is the crowd favorite, but V for Vendetta is nothing to shake a stick at. A dystopian future of Orwellian proportions, the novel follows the story of V: a revolutionary that was burned (literally/figuratively) by the government. The movie adaptation is great, but doesn’t hold a candle to the comic.

by Jeff Smith
A hero of independent publishing in the comic world, Smith’s Bone is as funny as it is action packed. Bone follow it’s titular character and his cousins as they travel the fictional world in an attempt to save it. A large read, but so good that you’ll ready it licked split.

by Craig Thompson
From the genre of exploratory comics, Blankets is a memoir of Thompson’s first relationship in religious middle america. The slow style and beautiful illustrations really give the reader a slice of life, and the sorrows of teenage love.

by Art Spiegelman
A biography of Spiegelman’s father time as Jew during World War II is poignant first account of the Holocaust. Reimagined as animals instead of human, the two part series really hones in on the segregation and atrocities of Nazi Germany. We read the first book in one day it’s so gripping.

by Bryan Lee O’Mally
A funny and updated version of your classic superhero novel, Scott Pilgram is an eight book series in which Scott has to fight his girlfriend’s 7 evil ex’s. Actually one case where the movie was better than the book, but the comic is still worth it’s weight. A perfect melding of supernatural-fantasy and slice of life.

by Bill Waterson
Not really a graphic novel, but perhaps one of the best daily comic strips ever. Smart, clever, and funny Calvin & Hobbes is the quintessential “nothing happens” comic, but that’s where the greatness lies. Calvin, an outcast first grader, is someone we can all relate to and root for. The art style is great, and is punctuated with amazing fantasy scenes.