With the election upon us, we thought that maybe you needed to brush up on your U.S. History as much as we do. We complied three books that we felt were helpful in brushing up on our knowledge of our nation’s past.

James Davidson West
Written in the style of E.M. Gombriches’s, A Little History of the World, this book is great for people who a first time U.S. history learners or for those who need a heavy brush-up. The book goes of the history of the U.S. of A from the Columnus’s discovery to present day. A great base that details every aspect of our nation’s history in a pleasing narrative that is easy to follow and entertaining as well.

LIES MY TEACHER TOLD ME: Everything your American History Textbook Got Wrong
James W. Loewen
A critical examination of American History textbooks, Loewen discusses the deceptive nature textbooks give to the Foudning Father’s and important historical figures throughout U.S. History. The book delves into the duality of these key figures and events, speaking to the sometimes dark nature of them, giving the reader a more well rounded view of the country we live in.

LIES MY TEACHER TOLD ME: Everything your American History Textbook Got Wrong
James W. Loewen
A critical examination of American History textbooks, Loewen discusses the deceptive nature textbooks give to the Foudning Father’s and important historical figures throughout U.S. History. The book delves into the duality of these key figures and events, speaking to the sometimes dark nature of them, giving the reader a more well rounded view of the country we live in.