Keith Harding

Keith Harding

Keith Allen Haring (1958–1990) was an American artist and social activist who’s street art in NYC expressed the concepts of birth, death, sexuality, and war. His visual language has become one of the most widely recognized of the 20th century. Raised in...
Brownstone Styles

Brownstone Styles

One of the aspects of NYC that makes it so unique is the block and block of beautiful brownstones, lining the streets. However, there’s not on cookie cutter style for them, and anyone who has walked around the city has probably realized this. The variety of...
Cy Twombly

Cy Twombly

Edwan Parker “Cy” Twombly, Jr.(1928–2011) was an American painter, sculptor, and photographer who’s contemporaries are Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns. His works are generally large-scale graffiti-like paintings on flat backgrounds that are...

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