Chilren’s Books
This month is all about recapturing our youth in the literature world. Below is a list of our favorite children’s books throughout the years. The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle George and Martha By James Marshall The Stinky Cheeseman and other...
The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows By: Kenneth Grahame Published: 1908 If you want to recapture the magic of childhood, The Wind and the Willows by Kenneth Grahame is the book for you. The book follows a group of Anthropomorphic animals living in the country side of England, and...
USA History
With the election upon us, we thought that maybe you needed to brush up on your U.S. History as much as we do. We complied three books that we felt were helpful in brushing up on our knowledge of our nation’s past. A LITTLE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES James...
Our Favorite Comics
We’re big comic fans here a Village Copier, and with the passing of the New York Comic Con it only makes sense that we list some our favorite comics for you all to read! V FOR VENDETTA by Alan Moore Power-house comic writer, Alan Moore creates gold with V for...