School Reading
It’s school-time again! Something us avid readers here at the VC loved about school is all the great classic books we got read during our educational journey. We’ve complied a list of the school classics that we think are quintessential to anyone looking...
Best Historical Non-Fiction
Reading is always great. It’s a way to enrich your mind while getting lost in a world separate from your own. However, the best kinds of books are the kind that do that and teach you something as well. That’s why here at the VC, we love a great Historical...
Summer Reads
It’s summertime (finally)! Put away the Kafka and the Kierkard, and read something a little bit simpler while you lounge on the beach, by the pool, or on in your yacht. We’ve compiled 6 books that you can breeze through while you relax! THE HANDMAIDS TALE...
NYC Books
7 BOOKS ABOUT NEW YORK Summer in the city is the best for an avid reader. Here’s 7 books in which our beloved Big Apple plays a starring role that you can read while lounging in one of NYC’s beautiful parks: Murder Machine by Gene Mustain and Jerry Capeci:...