The Wind in the Willows
The Wind in the Willows By: Kenneth Grahame Published: 1908 If you want to recapture the magic of childhood, The Wind and the Willows by Kenneth Grahame is the book for you. The book follows a group of Anthropomorphic animals living in the country side of England, and...
Forgive the confusion. Ennju seems to have superseded their own expectations, to all of our benefit. There’s a sushi counter and some cold treats along a low refrigerator leading to the register where you order the rest. The primary menu is simple: A few sushi...
USA History
With the election upon us, we thought that maybe you needed to brush up on your U.S. History as much as we do. We complied three books that we felt were helpful in brushing up on our knowledge of our nation’s past. A LITTLE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES James...
The clocks at Village Copier may as well say “Hours til’ Next Lunch.” We’re consumed by consumption, discerning which meal options speak to our moods from the moment we clock in. But the break in our workday routine becomes a routine itself. Overwhelmed by options and...