Washington Square Arch
The Washington Square Arch is a marble triumpahal arch built in 1892. The design is based on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, which in turn is based on the Arch of Titus. The arch was built in Washington Square Park to commemorate the centennial of George...
Astoria, Queens
Astoria is a neighborhood located in the north western margin of Queens. A small fragment of the large borough, Astoria was once known as the Greek capital of New York City due to its large Greek population in the mid 1990’s. Formerly, Astoria was prominently known as...
Old Fashioned
A classic cocktail, The Old Fashioned is made by muddling sugar with bitters and then adding whiskey or brandy finished with a twist of citrus rind. Developed during the 19th century the drink is an International Bartenders Association Official Cocktail. First created...
Hearst Tower
Heart Tower, located near Columbus Circle in Manhattan, is the world headquarters of the Hearst Corporation. The building was actually build in two parts many years apart. The six-story stone base of the tower was commissioned by William Randolph Hearst—Founder of...